Answer a few questions to see if you have what it takes to be a Gamemaster.  Gamemaster are delegators, reconcilers, creative writers, and omniscient presences in all ST:RU Games.  It takes a good amount of time and commitment, however you are rewarded with having one of your own stories come alive, and sometimes, go beyond your expectations.

If this form doesn't work for you, you can always answer the questions in an email sent to

Required Personal Information

 Email Address: 

First Name: 

Last Name: 

 College: RutgersCollege Douglass College Livingston College Cook College

Affiliate or Other (N/A)

CampusCollege Ave Busch Livingston Douglass/Cook


Phone Number: ()-- PO Box Year of Graduation: 

Required Game History Information

Have You Played this Game as a Player: Yes No

If no, click here to skip the following section

Former Character Name: 

Former Character GenderMale Female

Former Character Race

If you have another race that is not listed, please type it here:

Character Field

Character Post:  

If you had a different post not listed, please provide the title below:

Please describe why you want to be a Gamemaster and what you think the task entails.

To keep things consistent, Gamemasters are urged to conduct their games through a Yahoo email address for a number of reasons.  First, to keep the domain consistent, second, to allow more convient access to the game mailings (so you can reply from anywhere, all the time), and third, to keep the game mailing separate from your personal accounts.